Sunday, November 24, 2013

Wales: 50 Shades of Gray

I think it really says something when a places looks better when it's rainy. While only slightly less verdant than Ireland, if the Emerald Isle has green locked up, Wales owns gray. Come what may, one does not come to Wales for balmy weather and bikini lines.  That being said, just check out some of these shots showing how well Wales does rain:

These shots here are in Swansea and Laugharne. You'd think Wales would be the richest country on the planet for all the dimes the weather is changing on: "Do I feel like raining? Ye--no. Mmmmmaybe. No. Yes. HOLY JESUS IT'S A FLASH FLOO--Oo! Sunny!"

Personally, I think it really says something of my abilities as a photographer to get the camera, set it, focus it, and take a photo while at the same time bracing the umbrella into the GALE FORCE WINDS that blow of the Irish Sea...

The funny thing is, Wales actually looks BETTER when it rains. Oh sure, the endless green grid of the sheep fields rippling over the hills is very sweeping and romantic in sunlight, but when the mists roll and the sky threatens to open up any second, the landscape takes on a primordial character, with a voice as soft as velvet and as threatening as a tornado.

These guys were overlooking the patio below full of people taking tea and krumpets. They knew were the food was.

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